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Welcome to William E. DeLuca Jr. Elementary School!


As principal it is my job to ensure that every member of our school community is safe, happy, and able to learn!


Our ultimate goal is to have you and your child view the students, teachers, and staff of William E. DeLuca Jr. Elementary School as a “second family”. A family that will always be there to lend their support in helping your child to learn, grow, and follow their dreams!


At DeLuca we encourage our students to “Dream Big” and be their “B.E.S.T.”


“Dream It, Believe It, Achieve It!” 


On behalf of the entire “DeLuca Family”, thank you for your continued support in helping us enrich and empower your children. Together, we will help all our students realize and achieve their fullest potential!

Most Sincerely,
Vincent Fantauzzi


“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire….”

- William Butler Yeats